Boring to Dull: Some statistics

I promised to provide some numbers about the epic trip I just completed. It’s a fiddly business; but below is what I have found out.

OVERALL TOTALS (Boring to Dull via Iceland):

50 days of cycling (52 days from Pacific coast)

Miles cycled: 3861 (from Pacific coast)

Feet of ascent: 108,648 (from Pacific Coast)

Time in the saddle: 296 hours 40 mins (from Pacific coast)

Average miles per cycling day: 74.3

Average speed: 13.0 mph



(of which USA 3,459 miles over 42 days and CANADA 257 miles over 3 days)

ICELAND – 145 miles (3 DAYS)

SCOTLAND – 223 miles (4 DAYS)

For a more detailed breakdown week by week, I have copied in the table below from a spreadsheet. I would point as a highlight to 21 to 27 August, easily my most prolific week, when I averaged 104.4 miles each day at a speed of 14.3 mph in extreme heat. After that, nothing was quite so challenging until I was defeated by the Icelandic wind and took evasive action in the face of cataclysmic Scottish rain, when an ark might have been of more use.

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