A Boring-to-Dull journey!

I’m Mark Wedgwood. In summer and autumn 2023 I’m doing a very interesting cycle ride between the world’s most tedious paired communities: from Boring (Oregon, USA) to Dull (Scotland, UK).

I left Boring on 9th August – officially “Boring and Dull Day” – on a 4,000-mile odyssey. I will cross a dozen US states (and Ontario, Canada), then the north of Iceland – to visit the Arctic Circle – followed by the Faroes and finally Scotland. It takes in some remarkable and varied geography, people and culture. It should, indeed, be really interesting!

Follow me via my daily blog posts on this website and also on Instagram, Facebook and Strava. See the Links tab in the menu. And see where I currently am on the map below (you may need to refresh your browser).

Read more about the trip
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Hard at work

Where I am now

Previous projects

In 2022 I became the first person to ride across all of Britain’s 204 Ordnance Survey Landranger maps in order: a journey of six months and 7,300 miles.
Read about the OS Maps trip