Today, 9th August, was officially Boring and Dull Day in Oregon. That is according to an act of state law. It recognizes the pairing of these two unexceptional communities with tedious names, separated by 6,000 miles, “for the ages”. And it is celebrated annually in Boring, Oregon with some gusto.

I learned today that the first such celebration took place on 12th October 2013. I have assumed the responsibility and challenge of reaching Dull, in Scotland, by the tenth anniversary. That is doable, just about. I hope so, anyway, because that’s what I just said I would do!

All of this just sort of happened. The best adventures are like that. I can’t quite believe this series of coincidences has actually come about. The idea only came to me in April. But now I have a community in Oregon following my quest, so I will need to take it seriously. I have certainly received plenty of support and encouragement today. It has been a tremendous start to a long journey that I am sure will have some tougher elements. The real test begins tomorrow. This evening I cycled from Boring for less than an hour; but I head east tomorrow feeling confident.

But back to today. I was treated to lunch in the Timber bar in Boring by organisers of today’s festivities. Our conversation ranged wildly between the quality of local drinking water, to Jeremy Clarkson, to homelessness in Portland, to dry stone walls! By the end I had three new friends and couple of hours later I found myself lined up near the front of what was described to me as “the second shortest parade in Oregon”. I followed the local scout group, and they followed the bagpipers who led everyone off. Behind me were all manner of classic American cars, followed by 3 local fire trucks and some children riding horses and carrying flags. Short, it may have been; but it was impressively prompt and much bigger than I had imagined. Lots of local people lined the small road and cheered as we went past. Great fun.

After that, the celebrations continued with more bagpiping, a couple of singers who did superb renditions of Flower of Scotland and the Star Spangled Banner, then lots of free ice cream and finally a live band. One improvement on last year, apparently, was that the ice cream was still frozen. Last year it unfortunately melted before it was served, a situation not to be repeated! Somewhere in all of that activity an announcement was made about my ride and I made a brief appearance on the stage; but was thankfully not required to speak!

I posed with my bike for many photos, shook many hands, and did an interview with the local newspaper. I met several locally elected representatives and learned a great deal about life in a small community like Boring. Above all else, I was made to feel very welcome. You can’t ask for more than that.
In short, my day was neither Boring nor Dull. Long may that continue.

Excellent start to the trip! I’ve put 12 Oct in my diary…
I grew up in Boring and loved it! Excited to learn of your trip and looking forward to following along 😀
Really good commentary Mark. Love the idea of a whole community of Oregonese? Following your progress! Go for it!!
Looks like a great start Mark. May the wind and weather be kind!